• Mate Facts

    The mixture of mate tea, sugar, and caffeine was
    initially sold locally under the name Sekt-Bronte.
    It wasn't until 1950 that the name was changed to Club-Mate.

    — 1. Fact

  • Mate Facts

    The steadily increasing demand culminated in a supply shortage in the summer of 2011,
    which was promptly called the 'Matecalypse.' Since not enough returnable bottles were brought back,
    Loscher couldn't produce the demanded amount of Club-Mate.
    In their desperation, Mate fans even created a 'self-help group' on Facebook.
    — 2. Fact

  • Mate Facts

    Club-Mate has gained new additions. In addition to the classic mate lemonade in the
    0.5 or 0.33-liter bottle, there is now also the iced tea Ice Tea Kraftstoff.
    This iced tea contains 22 mg of caffeine, which is even slightly more caffeine than the classic.

    — 3. Fact

  • Mate Facts

    Club-Mate has become so popular in the hacker scene that the drink must be
    present at every congress, meeting, or party. At the annual congress of the
    CCC, around 9,000 bottles of Club-Mate were consumed in 2011, which is 4,500 liters
    (over 35 bathtubs full).
    — 4. Fact

  • Mate Facts

    Very popular at hacker meetings is a cocktail called Tschunk.
    It contains Club-Mate, rum, limes, and cane sugar
    and is said to get you drunk even faster than the classic Vodka-Mate.

    — 5. Fact 

  • Mate Facts

    If you don't want to consume Club-Mate only in liquid form,
    you can try it in the form of a Club-Mate cake.
    It's the recipe of the classic kids' birthday cake, Fanta cake.
    However, instead of Fanta, Mate fans use Club-Mate.
    — 6. Fact









Mate as a medicinal plant

Since Mate tea is extremely popular as a national drink in large parts of South America, it is popularly attributed a wide range of additional benefits. So, it’s no surprise that in Europe, Mate is marketed as the 'Green Gold of the Indians,' as a natural remedy, a magic potion, and especially as the ideal slimming agent, which naturally aids in weight loss and satisfies annoying feelings of hunger and thirst. In South America, Mate is prepared as follows:

In a hollowed-out, about fist-sized pumpkin, Mate leaves are poured with the same amount of hot, but no longer boiling water. The drink is sipped through a silver straw, while the pumpkin is repeatedly refilled with more water, and if it benefits the body, it becomes doubly valuable. Mate benefits the body because every bottle of Club-Mate contains a full teaspoon of Mate tea. Club-Mate is therefore a pleasure for the tongue and a necessity for the body.




Mate as a Medicinal Plant

Since mate tea enjoys great popularity as a national beverage in many parts of South America, it is popularly attributed with a multitude of additional effects. It is therefore not surprising that in Europe, mate is also promoted as the "Green Gold of the Indians", as a natural remedy and elixir, and above all as the ideal slimming aid that naturally facilitates weight loss and alleviates tormenting feelings of hunger and thirst. In South America, mate is prepared as follows: In a hollowed-out gourd roughly the size of a fist, mate leaves are steeped with an equal amount of hot, but no longer boiling water. The beverage is sipped through a silver straw, with the gourd being refilled several times with additional water, and if it benefits the body, it is doubly valuable. Mate benefits the body, for every bottle of Club-Mate contains a full teaspoon of mate tea. Club-Mate is thus a delight for the taste buds and a necessity for the body.


  • Mate Facts

    The mixture of mate tea, sugar, and caffeine was
    initially sold locally under the name Sekt-Bronte.
    It wasn't until 1950 that the name was changed to Club-Mate.

    — 1. Fact

  • Mate Facts

    The steadily increasing demand culminated in a supply shortage in the summer of 2011,
    which was promptly called the 'Matecalypse.' Since not enough returnable bottles were brought back,
    Loscher couldn't produce the demanded amount of Club-Mate.
    In their desperation, Mate fans even created a 'self-help group' on Facebook.
    — 2. Fact

  • Mate Facts

    Club-Mate has gained new additions. In addition to the classic mate lemonade in the
    0.5 or 0.33-liter bottle, there is now also the iced tea Ice Tea Kraftstoff.
    This iced tea contains 22 mg of caffeine, which is even slightly more caffeine than the classic.

    — 3. Fact

  • Mate Facts

    Club-Mate has become so popular in the hacker scene that the drink must be
    present at every congress, meeting, or party. At the annual congress of the
    CCC, around 9,000 bottles of Club-Mate were consumed in 2011, which is 4,500 liters
    (over 35 bathtubs full).
    — 4. Fact

  • Mate Facts

    Very popular at hacker meetings is a cocktail called Tschunk.
    It contains Club-Mate, rum, limes, and cane sugar
    and is said to get you drunk even faster than the classic Vodka-Mate.

    — 5. Fact 

  • Mate Facts

    If you don't want to consume Club-Mate only in liquid form,
    you can try it in the form of a Club-Mate cake.
    It's the recipe of the classic kids' birthday cake, Fanta cake.
    However, instead of Fanta, Mate fans use Club-Mate.
    — 6. Fact


Mate mixes in...

Learn more about what you can do with Mate and about projects we support:

Mate Recipes

Here you will find
great and delicious Mate recipes.

Mate Forest Garden

Mate supports the Mate Forest Garden.
Learn more about the project.

That’s Mate

The Mate shrub is a plant species from
the holly genus.




Our Mate Drinks

Club Mate Orginal 0,33l

Club-Mate Orginal 0,5l

Club-Mate Granat 0,5l

Club-Mate ICE-T 0,5l

Club-Mate-Cola 0,33l

Club-Mate Winter-Edition 0,5l

Club-Mate Berry 0,5l


Zero 0,5l




Our Mate Drinks

Club-Mate Original 0,33l

Club-Mate Original 0,5l

Club-Mate Pomegranate 0,5l

Club-Mate ICE-T 0,5l

Club-Mate-Cola 0,33l

Club-Mate Winter-Edition 0,5l

Club-Mate Berry 0,5l

Club-Mate Zero 0,5l




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